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1st Hydro News

Responding to government calls to assist G20 summit

Date:2016-09-30  Source:  Author:

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The prominentG20 summit has been successfully concluded. The successful convene ofthe G20 summit has significant meaning toChina's sustained economic growthas well asthe stability of the global economic development.Contributing to the G20 summit is a good opportunity for every company in Hangzhou to practise social responsibility and a beneficial actto the great Chinese dream.

     In order to actively respond to the government's call to "run a good G20, be a goodhost",andhelp improve the overall environment of the Olympic block area.Before that, our group and the government havereached aintegrated purchasingagreementof the enterprise owned land and the on-the-ground appendages, later invested fullyintothe relocation of the base work. In accordance with the requirements of the acquisitioncontract, ourcompany fully completed theassignment of evacuation and land submission before the end of March 2016.